Friday, September 14, 2018


The QPS wants me to get immunizations for Seanster, but I no longer believe in drugs to protect my son. If anything, they cause problems and have effects (as marketing and special interest decide what a side effect is) that cause permanent lasting damage. I've been a Scientologist for the last 5 years and seriously have no want to risk my son to any of these dangers.

We WILL also talk about the handprints that the fat ass at ECFC left on him if they want to get cute AGAIN. -

Thursday, August 30, 2018

My son is in kindergarten

Well, basically it is a "Autistic" class. But not really much was different when we went to his new classroom. Sean seemed to like the toys and put them back in ther place when he was finished looking them over.

But you probably guessed it, his teacher was a boom boom baddie. Just like the other babysitters at ECFC. Man, is this the best the Quincy Public School System can do? The school psychologist will probably tell you that there is absolutely nothing wrong with a 6 year old having to look at a swamp momma all day in his school room. I mean like what the fuck. Seriously eat a carrot or something that's not a cheesecake with cookies on top.

They want to do a tax levy every time they want to make an improvement. So why don't they pound down a portion of the tort fund for some nutria system so the teachers will stop having heart failures and not breath so hard on the kids when they take a step or two.

God Damn this fucking place...

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tell me who you think hit my son

One teacher is morbidly obese and the other comes from a troubled family.

They must have a beef with me or need and outlet to take their fat aggression out  on. Anyway, I've established that they're all cowards and if you think about raising your kids in this area, you might want to think twice.

I'm jumping for joy that the Illinois Exodus is ongoing.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

so my e-mail is blocked from

Download the e-mail forensics

I haven't harassed anyone or have I ever been told not to send anyone a message through e-mail. I do have several fax confirmations through the school system but that's it. I do have e-mail return receipts from the superintendent Roy Webb. Those were back on the week of 1-4-2018  when he was checking his mail on his phone or tablet.

There was no notification sent to me from qps that my e-mail was being blocked.

I figured that since I manage a few e-mail servers in the world that I'd go ahead and blacklist their domain permanently.

Friday, August 24, 2018

school psycholgist

She had pre-divorce rings on the left hand and post divorce rings on the right. 

Yeah, that's psychology for ya...

Their site didn't spell psychologist correctly.

Abbie John

EC Psycologist

Special Education 1416 Maine Street Quincy, IL 62301

Website Harassment.

I've seen people reach for harassing website claims in the past, but you know as well as do that voluntarily rendering a site that you find harassing are just that. You voluntarily rendered it on your computer thus it becomes a matter of you consciously harassing yourself. see: U.S. v. Cassidy.

Harassment is defined as a repeated unwanted act.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

IEP Report

We went to meet our sons kindergarten teacher yesterday. He couldn't tell her his name so we ended up leaving. She wanted to see his last IEP from his preschool assessment. I have those notes from his last IEP, but now I will get a copy from his former school (ECFC) or the QPS then compare them and post them to this journal.

The language in the IEP states that he has a green light to enter Kindergarten.

That was before they decided to smack his face, leg and whatever unseen damage that was inflicted on him back on January 4th 2018. 

This is protected speech and civil rights violations are a possibility.

Friday, July 20, 2018

School in reference


The teachers and the superintendent are responsible for injuring our child and the cover up.

Oh, they also have a health advisory committee

They don't have any business having anything labeled health in any way. I mean just take a look at the principal sometime and try to hold a straight face when you talk about health.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

e-mail sent to qps

Return-Path: <>
Received: from [] ( [])
        by with ESMTPSA id v141-v6sm161100itb.26.2018.
        for <>
        (version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128);
        Thu, 19 Jul 2018 16:29:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: heeger <>
Subject: notice
Message-ID: <>
Disposition-Notification-To: heeger <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2018 18:29:32 -0500
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
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Return-Path: <>
Received: from [] ( [])
        by with ESMTPSA id o143-v6sm108071itb.42.2018.
        for <>
        (version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128);
        Thu, 19 Jul 2018 16:30:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: heeger <>
Subject: notice
Message-ID: <>
Disposition-Notification-To: heeger <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2018 18:30:13 -0500
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
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Monday, July 16, 2018

This will follow him wherever he lives and whoever he works for.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


What do you do when some fat piece of shit teacher hits your son, then hides behind the superintendent of schools. You register the superintendent's name as a .Org then shame them.

As a parent I will not be sending my son back to that tater hog ranch. They should have been suspended until someone fessed up.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

psychiatry being used to discredit me

It's no secret that the local good ol boy network can't fight its own battles and that's why they used local mental health 'professionals' (FAKE DOCTORS) to discredit my claims. Just remember that there're things about you that nobody knows about when you run your mouth about someone that you don't like. 
Get forced to sit down with a psychiatrist and a prescription will be made out to you within seconds without you telling your story. That's psychiatry.

Pharmacology has replaced therapy.

This local psychologist (Frank Froman) is the same one that all local law enforcement candidates have to see in order to get approved for fitness to become a law enforcement agent for Quincy, Il. Now local police Officer Adams Gibson is in federal court as a defendant for attempting to ruin a mans life.


You can see how life (Karma) got even with that psych for me.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018


I have already submitted a FOIA request to the school districts law firm SRNM.Com for an unrelated matter.

I will be publicizing their response here and on other parts of the network.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

A lot of good the latest groundbreaking will do.

Since Illinois is a failing state, it will be fruitless to set up more schools for the local residents.

I'm glad it's happening.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Morbid Obesity

This is what you do as a teacher. You lead by example. If the kids see you as fat, jolly and everyone is good to you in the workplace, then there could be a present and future motivation for your kids to not take care of themselves.  The teachers are essentially indirect fat advocates.

Read what other say. Fat school teachers are trouble.

I'm doing the parents and kids a favor by letting them see the end results.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

School shootings

In light of the most recent school shooting in Florida, I've noted that ecfc has a back door that is not monitored. Anyone can just walk in as I've done in the past. There is only one security personal on staff in a given time.

Not a safe place to have your kids.

Always remember Shamu, Orca and to man the harpoons...

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

No phone calls

As of this day, nobody has sent us  any communications regarding our sons abuse by the school workers or his educational activities, nor have have they replied to any fax or e-mail. All I ever received were return e-mail receipts  from the superintendent Roy Webb. 

It has been in excess of 30 days.

I think they might just be really busy packing on the pounds and attempting to communicate with me might interfere with their taxpayer funded schedule of feeding their faces. Quadruple chins and what sounds like 15 half way filled hot water bottles being slung to and from other areas in the room must be the total point of action and purpose for being local walking gravy boats.

I also think the idea may reside with a tuba being played closely behind the teachers and para-educators in what they call walking down the hallway at ECFC a "teaching event". Finally, you won't find any infringement on any copyright or other intellectual property here, so the little bing search for amazon won't do you any good.

Thursday, February 1, 2018


This domain is for SALE!

Asking price is $200k after taxes and handling fees.

You can eliminate its use of advertising of morbidly obese educators that hit little kids.

All video and pictures contain EXIF information and are set via atomic clock.

paypal: sean at


Monday, January 29, 2018

RoyWebb.Org - Photos of injuries

 Stills from video capture on 1-5-2018 the morning after the alleged incident

They claimed to have investigated, but all they did was ask the teachers questions, and of course everyone denied it. These are the only other adults he comes into contact with, no other children that come here and since he likes to play alone we didn't recognize it until the next morning. The cold camouflaged his cheeks, and he kept his pants on all day. We would never hit our son.
Another curious thing that's happened since the accusations, was the fact that Sean has been out of school for over two weeks now and they haven't so much as sent a letter. When he was sick for only one day would get annoying letters telling us that his attendance is important. But they have yet to contact us. One of the women who has direct contact with the students is also not listed on their school registry, who I have witnessed being a bitch to him. 
Another conflict in their story is that they claimed since Sean "Goes to the bathroom independently" nobody would have been with him in the bathroom. Well somebody who told them that he went to the bathroom independently lied. He cannot pull his pants up, zip them, button or unbutton them without help. A matter of fact, they were complaining about having us work on him zipping and snapping things up at our parent teacher conference simply because they acknowledged he COULDN'T do it on his own. We have not heard a word and the school is unwilling to listen OR even acknowledge a real crime took place. They just "reminded the teachers how they run things", a slap on the wrist as far as I'm concerned.

 Notice that the hand is positioned fingers facing downward and thumb facing toward is back. This couldn't have been done by himself. It is too large to be his peers and it's too small to be either of ours. It was made by a person with very fat, short fingers. To leave a mark on a child like this that lasts for over 24hrs had to have been done with GREAT force and with great anger with bare skin contact. Neither of his parents are capable or would even dream of hitting him with such force or hatred.
Their silence is agreement.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Widespread activities

There have been no phone calls from any adams county school or the superintendents office since the 9th. My friends say that it's really strange for nobody to be calling in any official capacity in the school system. But it's just as well. If anyone has a problem with my son being home schooled by me, I can just whip out my Tablet and show them the video of the local school system being responsible for the physical abuse of a child that can't speak, and can't tell me the name of his school teacher assailant. 

Fox News, Twitter scene and Facebook might come in handy on that rationale when the time comes. I do have the cloud...

That is just the school system. You have to also realize that the local chief of police Robert Copley, The Adams County Coroner James Keller,and the adams County States Attorney Gary Farha are in federal civil rights court along with a few police officers, namely Adam Gibson,  John Summers, Dina Dreyer, and Anjanette Biswell.

Yes, the city of Quincy, Illinois and Adams County are getting ready to have their ass sued clean off!

Karma Is A Motherfucker!!! 

Another lawsuit involves Chaddock which will additionally be another Karma incident taking its toll on the good ole boys.

It's what happened when the local organized crime (city hall) operators aimed for the emperor... and missed...


Saturday, January 27, 2018

What you will see here.

I've included all fax and e-mail evidence to and from the superintendent of schools district 172 in west central Illinois.

My son came home with 2 hand prints. One on his face and one on this thigh. The principal at his school stated that they were faded and claimed to ask the other teachers. None of the teachers knew anything about the hand prints.

I have call logs and e-mails.

copyright 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

School Psychiatry

I've never believed in Psychiatry. Our school psychologist at ECFC has nothing more than pre-divorce rings on the left hand and post divorce rings on the right.

You have to remember that these people get paid for their opinions and they get paid to tell people how to live as well as being very dangerous in trapping you into forced treatment and open-ended imprisonment. 

This school system likes to get your kid on psych drugs just to make their jobs easier and to obtain pharmaceutical company kick backs.

Psychiatry and psychology are false science's...

Almost didn't mention?

I was a property tax objector when Bob Slattery filed the lawsuit against the QPS172 school district.

I was outspoken about it and attempted to get signatures to get something on the ballot with Niekamp.

So there is some motivation in their group for someone to attempt to sweep this under the rug.

All I know is that there was 225 homes like mine at the time, that half of the tax bill went to the local schools to pay just the superintendent.

1 person doesn't need 180k to be the ineffective liability laundering boss.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

School Board President E-Mail Sent

All the header information is included in this entry. No e-mail from this address has bounced back.

Sean's teachers and classmates

Pictures of my son's teachers and classmates.

Monday, January 22, 2018

New patterns of behavior

For the last few weeks,  we have been experiencing sean hitting us and spitting water when he drinks. Those things never showed up or were never mentioned during the IEP meetings, no notes or phone calls were made to us conveying those behaviors.

Those are learned behaviors, but sean didn't learn them from us.

If you have kids at ECFC, get them out ASAP.

You have options...

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Thursday, January 18, 2018

I e-mailed the school board.

I waited one working day to set this blog to PUBLIC.

Download entire e-mail in PDF.
School Board President sent e-mail

Protected by the Illinois Anti-SLAPP Law

Dear QPS172,

Please advice me as to weather or not I am to disseminate the video of
my sons injuries inflicted at the hands of one of his teachers or other
members of his class. My Son was a student at ECFC. Crystal Johnson was
his teacher.

I do keep phone records of my calls to and from mr. webb and Ms.
Shuckman his teacher if they are requested.

I'm forwarding an email chain along with the fax attached with this
email to mr. webb. He refused to comment on the substance of my
communication with him.

Thank you for your kind attention,
sean heeger

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: your investigation
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2018 01:49:48 +0000
From: Webb, Roy <>
To: <>

Mr. Heeger,

No, I did not have any questions or comments for you.

Roy Webb

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 16, 2018, at 4:47 PM, Sean Heeger <> wrote:

Dear Mr Webb,

Did you have any responses to those statements?

Thank you for your kind attention?

sean heeger

On 1/16/2018 3:38 PM, Webb, Roy wrote:
Mr. Heeger,

I have reviewed your faxes to our office. There are only statements. There are no questions and there are no requests.

Roy Webb

-----Original Message-----
From: sean heeger [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 3:34 PM
To: Webb, Roy <>
Subject: Re: your investigation

Dear Mr. Webb,

   if you would be so kind as to respond to my previous facsimiles.

I have the confirmations if you need dates and times they were sent.

Respectfully submitted,

sean Heeger

On 01/16/2018 09:47 AM, Webb, Roy wrote:
Ok, if you have any questions for me, you can ask them through e-mail.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 16, 2018, at 9:21 AM, sean heeger <> wrote:

Mr. Webb,

We can discuss this through e-mail.

Thank you for your kind attention,

sean heeger

On 01/15/2018 06:00 PM, Webb, Roy wrote:
Mr. Heeger,

If you would like to discuss this, I would be willing to meet.

Roy Webb

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 15, 2018, at 5:57 PM, sean heeger <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Webb,

Here is your private web address for this situation. Only you may 
read it, since for now, I have it set to private.

If you do read it, the blog may help you decide on the motivation 
for one or more teachers for hitting our son Sean Tyler Heeger.

It will be set to public somewhere down the line.

please remember that self-policed investigation are an inherent conflict of interest.

Thank you for your kind attention,

Sean Heeger

Saturday, January 13, 2018


I would like to know how having an internal investigation isn't a conflict of interest. This falls under the fact of self-policing being an inherent conflict of interest.This is one of the questions that I asked the School Superintendent. 


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Fax to School

Fair use Image of Roy Webb

Mr. Webb would agree to give me over the phone the names of my Sons teachers for when the incident occurred. But he refused to give me the names of the parents of his classmates. Telling the parents and showing them the injuries might make a difference in how the school district manages its business.

Somebody hit my son in the face and upper thigh. They left hand prints that didn't show up until the next morning. His teacher sent his journal entry home stating that his cheek looked chapped the day that it happened. So I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary since it was cold out.

My boy had chapped lips a few days prior to this and I wasn't sent any concerns regarding that. 

Obesity and missing teeth only go with people that don't act responsible or consciously refuse to take care of themselves. But I'm suppose to give them a pass to nurture my son. What a joke!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

incident on 1-4-2018

This is part of my investigation regarding my son, his school ECFC, and his teachers.

Fax to superintendent of schools

I spoke with Mr. Webb today at 3 pm local. He agreed to give me the names of the teachers that were in the room with our son but wouldn't give me the names of the parents of the other kids that are in his class.