Monday, July 25, 2022

QPS legal counsel sucks ass

Curtis Lovelace mops the floor with their legal department.

Lovelace use to work in their law firm and SRNM defends guilty people.

(WGEM) The actions, the suit claimed, “were the result of the City of Quincy’s and the County of Adams’ and the Adams County Coroner’s Office’s policies and widespread practices of pursuing convictions without regard to the truth, through reliance on profoundly flawed investigations that withhold exculpatory evidence, fabricate evidence, and coerce witnesses.”

The Lovelace warchest is on the way...

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Over-glorified Babysitters

This is a succinct descriptor of the "Teachers" in the public school system. 

You should ask about time out, quiet and seclusion rooms. 

File a FOIA on the layout of the school. 

Quincy Public Schools

1416 Maine Street
Quincy, IL 62301
fax: 217-228-7162