Sunday, July 9, 2023

Being a third generation pilot and musician

Since I've been homeschooling my son, he has grown both physically and mentally. His speech and deductive reasoning are really too cool for school and I'm feeling that he totally gets it now. When you talk with him, he can put it all together and comprehend what your saying.

He will do a lot less mimicking and more positively responding to someone's cues. Music and STEM are his strong points as they are what  his schooling is based on now.

I'm convinced that if he were still in Baldwin School, he would be just a mindless automation that would know nothing more than how to exist. 

Just if you were wondering, the same people that hired his moms OBGYN from SIU that "assisted" in my sons birth, are the same people that hired and employed Michael Swango the serial killer. He was responsible for at least 60 murders back in the day.

Sean wasn't breathing when he was born.

Its all good and I have physical custody of him.

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